Saturday, October 25, 2014


Edinburgh was a fun city to explore.     We certainly did a lot of walking up hills, though.    There are many, many alley ways off most streets.     Some just lead to the next street, but others can open to a courtyard, a restaurant or an entirely new area to explore.    

An afternoon break ...

RJ voluntarily gave a generous tip to this street vender.    His music was good, too

What an appropriate name for a restaurant/pub.....


Another street sign that I couldn't resist photographing - no, this was NOT in Amsterdam!

All this walking has paid off, I am finally tall and slim.....

 These window displays were very striking.     It looks even more advant garde because of the reflections from buildings across the street

This is a Mandala in the botanical gardens.     The word Mandala comes from Sanskrit and means circle.     Perhaps local garden clubs should get together and create one or school children could collect things from nature and try this.     It was very inspiring to this former gardener.

Tomorrow we will leave Scotland.     It's been a beautiful and fun three weeks..........


  1. Wow, where do I begin? The buildings are gorgeous and the mandala is simply stunning in all its floral beauty. I love the daily shot of's so good you and Bob are staying hydrated!

  2. I think you will be forever spoiled as to beer selections. The architecture you are imbibing is also phenomenal. Journey on.
