Monday, February 9, 2015

Secret Gardens

The Mirage has a fun Secret Garden.        It consists of two distinctive parts.        We started at the back.     This garden is a showcase of animals belonging to or are part of the stage show of Siegfried & Roy.      These animals are dearly loved by the famous duo and the animals are actually housed at their home outside the city.      A few big cats are brought in each morning and around 1 p.m. they are removed and new animals are brought in.      They only spend three hours in these enclosures before returning to their home.

There are three  cubs who are 9 months old.     Although they still act like cubs, they each weigh about 180 pounds.     It was fun watching two of them playfully fight over a favorite toy.

The other part of this location is the Dolphin Habitat.      There are three large water areas as well as an underground viewing area.     The total pool size is eight times larger than regulations require and the human-made seawater is cycled and cleaned every two hours.     The well being of these animals is paramount to Sigfried & Roy.   
Did you know that in nature, the males and females keep separate,  males traveling together and females in another group with the young.      This segregation is also followed here.

One of the “tricks” the dolphins do is painting pictures.     This young girls family paid to give her this experience.      She got to hold the frame and the trainer puts a paint bottle with brush in the mouth of the dolphin who then paints a picture with head movements.     What a thrill for a child (or adult).

This dolphin is telling us thank you for visiting

Good bye from the Secret Garden at the Mirage........


  1. We visited these gardens a few years ago and I see they are as beautiful as ever. Thanks for sharing your awesome photos.

  2. This looks like a place where the animals are well kept and loved.
