Sunday, May 14, 2017

Wildlife on "Our" Preserve .........

One of the things I love most about our new home is that we are right on the large Sharon Rose Wiechens Preserve.      We hear and see wildlife all the time.

On April 26th this family of Sandhill Crane's walked within a few feet of us.     For some reason I didn't have my camera handy, but was able to catch them departing.     The feet on those little cranes were moving pretty fast. 

As Bob and I were returning from lunch today, just 2  1/2 weeks later, we saw the family again a few blocks before our house.     It's amazing how fast those babies have grown.     The other parent was walking ahead - hopefully there wasn't a Mother's Day spat!

More babies on the way - I spotted this Common Gallinule sitting on the nest.    Can babies be far behind?

My Magnolia tree is about 7 feet tall and spindly as all young trees tend to be.     It did put on a beautiful show of blossoms, though.     

Life is good in The Villages  .....................