Wednesday, June 3, 2015


We spent a good portion of the day driving.      However, when it came time to stop for lunch, all we could find were food trucks or this small building.       RJ decided we needed to shake things up a bit, so he ordered each of us a Reindeer Sausage.     Pleeeeeese don't show this to our grandkids.     They'd never forgive me!      $6.95 apiece, no chips or fries.      Fortunately, they were pretty good.    This small building was the entire set-up.     No bigger than a garden shed.    He even had a drive thru window!

This is the Worthington Glacier.       The pictures were taken from the road.    You can really see the ice striations as it is being forced down the mountain.    

Our plan was to do a hike here where you can actually walk right up to the Glacier field.    However, temps were dropping (50), low clouds and fog were descending and it was raining.     Not a good combination for a 2+ mile hike.     If it is sunny in the morning we will try it on our way out of town.  To get a size perspective, those are full grown trees in the green area.

There are two huge waterfalls just outside Valdez.     You know I can't resist a waterfall, even in the rain.      The first two are of Bridal Veil Falls.

This second one is Horsetail falls.


We also drove back to the Alyeska Pipeline Terminal complex.      Needless to say, it is secured with a guardhouse and lots of warning signs.     I was intimidated enough to skip any pictures.


  1. I guess passing up the Honeymoon Hotel worked out OK since your B&B served breakfast. I can saw I have had buffalo but never reindeer. So did it taste like chicken? Just checking.

  2. I like the horseshoe falls the best. I can't imagine you eating a reindeer hot dog, or any hot dog for that matter out of a little shack. You are definitely living on the wild side now.

  3. Actually the "hot dog" was more like a brat or sausage and was quite good (or I was very hungry, not sure) Spicy and solid. Neither of us got sick or even needed a tums and would even get it again for a cheap quick lunch.

    The Bridal Veil Falls needed to be shown in video (which I have never used). It had several platforms that sent huge amounts of water flying upward and outward and was beautiful. Didn't translate well to a still shot.
