Sunday, May 31, 2015

Glacier Gardens

Thirty years ago Steve and Cindy Bowhay purchased land that had been part of a major mud slide.    They planned to open a nursery at this site.     While clearing the land, Steve had a misfortunate with a large land moving piece of equipment.     He became upset, and proceeded to take one of the dead trees and flip it upside down and slammed it into the ground.      Once he calmed down, he looked at the upside down tree and realized that it would make a great planter.

The rest is history.      These beautiful planted trees are made of trees that have fallen.    They shorten the trunks and plant them, upside down, into the ground.    Once stabilized, they add moss and good soil and them plant them with lush flowers.

Currently Cindy operates their nursery down the road and he manages these gardens.    According to the tour guide I had, Steve still plants almost everything in the gardens. as well as doing almost all of the other garden chores.    Truly a labor of love!


  1. I've never seen anything like that. It is true...anything can be a planter.

  2. I hope you're not planning on entering any of these AWESOME photos next year!!!!!!!!!!! WOW!!!
